Avio Space

In Pictures: The Most Punctual airlines In January 2025

It has been estimated that delayed aircraft cost several billion dollars (as additional expense) for carriers. This is because delays necessitate extra gates in aerodromes and ground personnel. Further delays also cost passengers as their productivity decreases and so does their wages, and goodwill. In light of such knowledge, airlines are trying their best to minimize their delays and hoarding to become the most punctual airlines they could possibly be.

OAG, a global air travel data provider, came up with a list of the most punctual airlines in January 2025, based on the On-Time Performance (OTP) data that:

“shows the percentage of flights that have arrived on schedule. A flight is considered on-time if it has arrived within 15 minutes of the schedule. Cancellations are included in our data and are considered not on-time. For an airline’s OTP to be published, OAG requires access to flight status data for at least 80% of all scheduled flights operated, and to be ranked they must operate a minimum of 1,500 flights that month.”

Let’s have a look at the most punctual airlines according to OAG for the month of January 2025.

10. Iberia

An Airbus A320 of the tenth-most punctual airline for January 2025.
Photo: Bene Riobó | Wikimedia Commons
Airline Code IB
Airline Region Europe : Western Europe
On-Time Performance 87.52%


Airbus A350 of Iberia, an airline founded in Spain on 28 Jun 1927.
Photo: Steve Knight | Wikimedia Commons
Cancelled Flights  0%
Total flights 18254
Iberia has 94 Aircraft (+ 12 On Order/Planned) and an average fleet age of 9.9 years.
Photo: Lumikus1 | Wikimedia Commons

As of January 2025, Iberia serves 39 domestic destinations and 95 international destinations in 46 countries.

Aircraft type Total number of aircraft Average age
Airbus A319 3 16.7
Airbus A320 28 9.2
Airbus A321 14 19.5
Airbus A330 27 9.5
Airbus A350 XWB 22 4.1


Boeing 737-400 of the ninth-most punctual airline for January 2025.
Image:Si-take | Wikimedia Commons
Airline Code 6J
Airline Region Asia : North East Asia
On-Time Performance 88.29%
A Boeing 737-400 of Solaseed Air, found in Japan in May 2002
Image:Kentaro Iemoto | Wikimedia Commons
Cancelled Flights  0%
Total Flights 2497
Boeing737-400 in Ukraine International Airport
Photo: MercerMJ|Wikimedia Commons
Aircraft Type  Total number of Aircraft  Average age 
Boeing 737 14 11.6 Years

                                                      8. Royal Jordanian

Airbus A310 of Royal Jordanian Airlines
Photo: Adrian Pingstone|Wikimedia Commons
Airline Code  RJ
Airline Region  Middle East
On-Time Performance  88.43%
Airbus A330 of Royal Jordanian Airlines at Bangkok Suvarnabhumi International Airport
Photo: Aeroprints.com|Wikimedia Commons
Cancelled flight  0.04%
Total Flights  2649


Embaer E2 at parish Air show 2019
Photo: Matti Blume| Wikimedia Commons
Aircraft Type  Total number of Aircraft  Average age 
Airbus A320

Airbus A321

Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Embraer E2

Embraer ERJ-170

Embraer ERJ-190

Gulfstream GVIII Gulfstream (G700/G800)








10.6 Years

13.7 Years

9.7 years 

1.7 years

16.7 Years

17.4 Years

0.6 Years


                                                     7. ITA Airways

ITA Airways Airbus A220-300
Photo: Anna Zvereva |Wikimedia Commons
Airline Code  AZ
Airline Region  Europe: Western Europe
On-Time Performance  88.68%
ITA Airway Aircraft Airbus A350-941 at Fiumicino International Airport, Rome
Photo: Anna Zvereva|Wikimedia Commons
Cancelled flight  0%
Total Flights  10583
ITA Airways A319 Aircraft
Photo: Globalespresso|Wikimedia Commons
Aircraft Type  Total number of Aircraft  Average age 
Airbus A220 

Airbus A319 

Airbus A320

Airbus A321

Airbus A330

Airbus A350 XWB





1.1 years 

16.3 years 

8.5 years 


5.1 years 

5.3 years 

                                                           6. Skymark Airlines


Skymark Airlines Boeing
737-800 aircraft
Photo: Toshiro Aoki|Wikimedia Commons
Airline Code  BC
Airline Region  Asia: North East Asia
On-Time Performance  88.89%
Skymark Airlines Boeing737-800 at Tokyo Haneda Airport
Photo: Masahiro TAKAGI |Wikimedia Commons
Cancelled flight  0.13%
Total Flights  4788
Skymark Airlines B737-800 at Tokyo Haneda airport on October 28, 2021.
Photo: Steven Byles |Wikimedia Commons
Aircraft Type  Total number of Aircraft  Average age 
Boeing 737 29 13.1 Years

                                                                   5. Aeromexico

Boeing787 Landing in Amsterdam
Photo: Gameplayzz|Wikimedia Commons
Airline Code  AM
Airline Region  Latin America: Central America
On-Time Performance  89.41%
Aero Mexico Boeing B787 is a wide body Jet with long range.
Photo:Ipolanco97|Wikimedia Commons
Cancelled flight  0.24%
Total Flights  16559


Aero Mexico B787 at Mexico City International Airport
Photo: Aeroprints.com|Wikimedia Commons
Aircraft Type  Total number of Aircraft  Average age 
Boeing 737

Boeing 787 Dreamliner



6.9 Years 

7.7 years 

                                                            4. Copa Airlines

A Copa Airlines Lockheed L-188 Electra at La Aurora International Airport
Photo: Christian Volpati|Wikimedia Commons
Airline Code  CM
Airline Region  Latin America: Central America
On-Time Performance  90.06%
Copa Airlines Boeing 737 at Los Angeles Airport (LAX)
Photo: Alan Wilson |Wikimedia Commons
Cancelled flight  0.04%
Total Flights  11257
Embraer Emb190 of Copa Airlines at Panama City
Photo: Alec Wilson |Wikimedia Commons
Aircraft Type  Total number of Aircraft  Average age 
Boeing 737 102


9.8 years 


                                                                     3. Fuji Dream Airlines


Fuzi Dream Airlines Embraer 170 landing at Nagoya Komaki Airport
Photo: Aeroprints.com|Wikimedia Commons
Airline Code  JH
Airline Region  Asia: North East Asia
On-Time Performance  91.86%
Three of the Fuji Dream Airlines ERJ170
Photo: Alan Wilson|Wikimedia Commons
Cancelled flight  0.45%
Total Flights  2240
Fuji Dream Airlines Embraer170atShizuok Airport
Photo: Ryotaro Shinozaki|Wikimedia Commons
Aircraft Type  Total number of Aircraft  Average age 
Embraer ERJ-170 15 10.3 years 


                                                                     2. Star Flyer

Star Flyer operates the Airbus A320, a narrow-body aircraft
Photo: Pedro Aragão|Wikimedia Commons
Airline Code  7G
Airline Region  Asia: North East Asia
On-Time Performance  92.61%
Starflyer Airbus A320-214 at Tokyo Haneda Airport
Photo: Masahiro TAKAGI |Wikimedia Commons
Cancelled flight  0%
Total Flights  1949
Star bus Airbus A320 at Fukuoka Airport
Photo: Windmemories|Wikimedia Commons
Aircraft Type  Total number of Aircraft  Average age 
Airbus A320 11 8.2 Years 

                                                        1. Saf Air

Safair Boeing 737-300 at Sharjah International Airport
Photo: Alan Lebeda|Wikimedia Commons
Airline Code  FA
Airline Region  Africa: Southern Africa
On-Time Performance  94.21%
Safair Lockheed L-100-30 Hercules
Photo: Aero Icarus |Wikimedia Commons
Cancelled flight  0.71%
Total Flights  5058
Safair L100-30 ZS-RSC at Christchurch International Airport
Photo: cmxliv|Wikimedia Commons
Aircraft Type  Total number of Aircraft  Average age 
Boeing 737 2 34.5 Years


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