Avio Space

China Will Restrict Sale Of Aerospace Components & Tech In The Interest Of National Security


Photo: CGTN
The Ministry Of Commerce Of China

Beijing – China said on Thursday (May 30) that it will limit the exports of a few aviation and aerospace components and technologies commencing on July 1, citing the need to “safeguard national security.”. As per the notice seen on the Commerce Ministry’s website on Thursday, the action was taken to protect the interests of national security as well as to uphold international commitments, including non-proliferation.

The notice was jointly announced with the General Administration of Customs as well as the Equipment Development Department of the Central Military Commission.

What are the items to be restricted?

Export permits will be needed for the export of goods such as machinery, software, and technology used in the production of gas turbines, engines, and aerospace structural components. They also will have fixtures, molds, tools, and other processing machinery needed to create specific materials like “superplastic,” which is bonded with aluminum, titanium, and their alloys.

Photo: The Associated Press
The Chinese WS-10 Taihang turbofan engine

The Commerce ministry further said that the controls would also include technologies utilized in the design, manufacture, and usage of the equipment, such as simulation data, design drawings, process specifications, process parameters, and processing methods.

Reason behind the restriction

The spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce said in a statement:

“It is an international practice to implement export controls on specific molds, special fiber materials, and other related items.”

He further added that the rules do not target any specific nation or region.

Photo: Commerce Ministry, China
He Yadong, spokesperson of China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOC),

The statement also said that Beijing opposes any country or region using controlled items from China to engage in activities that undermine China’s national sovereignty, security, and development.

Is there something to do with the USA?

Prior announcements of export restrictions pertaining to technology, equipment, and materials critical to national security have been made by China and the United States. The U.S. has export controls in force on exports of aero gas turbine engines, some aircraft and instruments, navigation equipment and systems. On the other hand, in response to arms shipments to Taiwan, a self-governing island it claims as its own, China has also placed restrictions on Boeing and two other defense companies.

The overall impact of the move seems uncertain. China is a supplier of engine components and various parts used in aircraft and space exploration. The country has made progress in creating its own jet engines. However, for certain crucial components of its domestically produced aircraft, it continues to depend on international suppliers.








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